
Tape The Quad to Reduce or Prevent Knee Pain
Kimberly Burns Kimberly Burns

Tape The Quad to Reduce or Prevent Knee Pain

To help to learn to reset where straight is for your knee and get the hip knee and calf to function more like a spring to distribute the impact forces through your foot while walking and negotiating inclines and stairs evenly through your whole leg instead of having a concentrated at the knee, you can tape Your knee in a way that tells your brain to use the quad more and to straighten the knee more with leg use.  

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Tried and True Self Care and Home Gym Tools
Kimberly Burns Kimberly Burns

Tried and True Self Care and Home Gym Tools

Take the guess Work out of adding to your home exercise and self care tools! These are my favorites go-tos for daily use in my clinic or tested by my patients with positive feedback on their effectiveness. 

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