4 Easy Stretches for Wrist or Hand Pain
Print out the pictures and instructions or watch the video where I walk you through the stretches.
Always go for the stretch feeling, never pain. If it hurts, you can try to get into the position slowly and find a comfortable spot to hang out or change the position slightly. If that still doesn’t work, then don’t do it!
Shoulder and Arm Opener
This is shown in standing so you can see it better, but the instructions below can be for sitting or standing.
While sitting tall through your sit bones or standing through both heels evenly, place your hands behind your back with interlocking hands. Roll your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together to feel a moderate stretch across the front of your chest and shoulders. Exhale completely drawing your ribs down and in toward your hips without collapsing through your chest or letting your head come forward.
Take 3-5 breaths, 4 seconds in, 4-6 seconds out like this.
Carpal Tunnel Opener (Wrist Flexor Stretch)
Straighten your elbow out in front of you
Turn your palm up as far as you can
Pull your fingers down. Be sure to pull at the knuckles
Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat 2-3 times
If you get numbness or tingling, stop.
Tennis Elbow Stretch (Wrist and Finger Extensors)
Straighten your elbow out in front of you
Turn your palm down as far as you can and then make a LIGHT fist
Pull your fist down. Be sure to pull at the knuckles
Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat 2-3 times
Nerve Glide
Sometimes elbow, wrist and hand pain is coming from an irritated nerve. This one is for if you have numbness or tingling, pain that radiates in your arm, sometimes all the way into the hand or fingers. If you pain travels, that is also a sign your nerve is irritated too.
Put your hand in a flexed position like you are holding a tray.
Slowly extend your arm outward and flex your wrist and fingers up at the same time.
You can also follow the movement with your head but that is optional
Only extend your arm out as far as you can to touch any discomfort then immediately return to the start position.
Repeat 10-15 times. Stop if you notice any symptoms are starting to increase.