Kim Burns DPT, OCS Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation

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The Soreness Rules

When enough is enough and how much is too much.

So you’re finally feeling good or the weather is finally on your side and you go for that hike, walk, bike ride, jog or you do that work out….and then you wake up the next day and can barely move. Or, your body is singing the same old song of achy back or stiff knees. Do you:

a) freak out

b) have a pity party about how you’ll never be able to work out or exercise again because of x, y and z

c) say “screw it” and push thorough another exercise session or work out anyway.

d) none of the above

Well obviously the correct answer is D because otherwise, why would there be a blog post about it 😉? The answer is D, none of the above, because that soreness or pain is information. It is data coming from your body to tell you about where your strength, flexibility, core control and endurance stand with respect to what you are asking it to do.

The Soreness Rules were originally published in the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy in 2012. These rules are designed to answer all your questions about:

  • when you can do more

  • when you should do less

  • when should you keep it the same

  • when you should have a rest day (from that particular activity) and how many rest days

The rules I have published on this page are a simplified and streamlined version of what was published by JOBSPT. Match up how you’re feeling today help you to decide how you should work out today or if you should have a rest day.

The Soreness Rules