4 Easy Stretches for Neck or Shoulder Pain You Can Do Right At Your Desk!

Print out the pictures and instructions or watch the video where I walk you through the stretches.

Always go for the stretch feeling, never pain. If it hurts, you can try to get into the position slowly and find a comfortable spot to hang out or change the position slightly. If that still doesn’t work, then don’t do it!

Chest and Mid Back Opener

This is shown in standing so you can see it better, but the instructions below are for sitting.

While sitting tall through your sit bones, place your hands behind your back with interlocking hands. Roll your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together to feel a moderate stretch across the front of your chest and shoulders. Exhale completely drawing your ribs down and in toward your hips without collapsing through your chest or letting your head come forward.

Take 3-5 breaths, 4 seconds in, 4-6 seconds out like this.


Upper Trapezius Stretch

Place one hand behind your back (or leave it by your side if that is more comfortable) and gently draw your head towards the opposite side with the help of your other arm. Keep your face forward and your chin tucked in. You should feel a stretch along the side of the neck, top of the shoulder

Hold for 3-5 breaths, 4 seconds in, 4-6 seconds out and repeat on the other side.


Levator Scapulae Stretch

Place one hand behind your back (or leave it by your side if that is more comfortable) and gently draw your head down and in towards the opposite armpit with the help of your other arm. Keep your nose down and your chin tucked in. You should feel a stretch in the back of the neck, possibly down and into the shoulder blade.

Hold for 3-5 breaths, 4 seconds in, 4-6 seconds out and repeat on the other side.


Scalene Stretch

Find your collar bone and place your fingers on top of it. With light to moderate pressure, draw the soft tissues down until you feel a pull in the front of the neck. Then, tilt your head back and roll it toward the opposite side. You should feel a stretch in the front of the neck, possibly up to the inner ear.

Hold for 3-5 breaths, 4 seconds in, 4-6 seconds out and repeat on the other side.

If you get any numbness or tingling while holding this stretch, stop.

Do this series as often as feels good!


6 Easy Stretches for Foot Pain


6 Easy Stretches for Low Back or Hip Pain You Can Do Right At Your Desk!